Kebab Smoke Special Filter
Electrostatics filters are various just like other mechanic machines. It is impossible to use any type of electrostatics in any places. Type of the filter means different, its capacity means different as well.
Electrostatics filters are various just like other mechanic machines. It is impossible to use any type of electrostatics in any places. Type of the filter means different, its capacity means different as well.
In case of the usage of the wrong place of the filter, it doesn’t work, it discharges in a short time or it won’t work and backing filters such as carbon filters, hepa, cassette filters are used for this filter. In case of the usage of the correct filter, filters such as carbon or cassette filter are never required.
As the center of technology is Europe and USA, filters which are produced in China are produced for fluid- insulator industry smoke. In case of the non- usage of these filters especially for kebab smoke, carbon is compulsorily used as the backing as it doesn’t keep the smoke.
However it is said 6- 12 months, carbon keeps smoke 20% and smell for 5- 15 days temporarily. Filters which need to be used for kitchen smoke mustn’t be isolator such as plastic or wire ionizer. Especially as the kebab culture belong s to the Turkish and the Arabic; no one has developed kebab smoke filter.
As a result of our long year experience, we developed pyrex isolator electrostatics filter which complies with kebab and kitchen smoke. In this way, we have reached the level of ZERO SMELL ZERO SMOKE WITHOUT USING CARBON ETC. 210 tons of kebabs has been cooked in our filter which is in La Blanche Hotel in Bodrum until now. It work s trouble- free for years and no carbon exists.
Zen Elektrostatik uses Electrostatics smell reactor system to wipe out cooking smells coming from both industrial and commercial kitchens and restaurants.
Our electrostatics filter gets the 100% of the smoke which forms the smell and the most of the smell according to its feature.
Smell particles which cannot be seen with eyes and escape from the electrostatics filter go out from the suction fan as being (+) ion loaded. Meanwhile various flower and perfume odors in Electrostatics smell reactor dissolve into molecules via dry evaporation.
15 thousand volts (-) ion at a 2nd electrostatics ion generator is loaded to the smell particles which have the molecular structure and it is released to the chimney where the smell goes. (-) loaded good smells stick to the around of the (+) loaded bad smell like a magnet. By the way, it is paid attention to the throwing chimney not to include (-) load, because chassis of the device is produced from electrostatic filter, therefore it has negative load. In this way, an excellent flower and perfume odors come from the chimney.